Starting The Simulator
1. If the computer screen is black, press any key to wake up the computer.
2. If the projector is off, turn on the projector by pressing the blue power button on the white remote that is labeled “projector.”
3. Turn on the light above the hitting mat. This is the light switch behind the computer. This improves the accuracy of the simulator.
4. If the TPS app is not open on the computer, click the TPS icon to load Trackman App.
5. If you would like sound, press the power button on the black remote labeled “Computer Sound”. You can also control sound volume.
6. Open the TrackMan Golf App on your smartphone and scan the QR code on the top right corner of the screen to log in to your TrackMan account.
This is not required to use the simulator, but recommended for members and frequent users. Logging in allows you to store data to your TrackMan account, save rounds, and play in tournaments/leagues.
7. Click or tap on the game mode you wish to play. (Practice, Courses or Games)
8. When you start your game, the TrackMan may need to be calibrated. If you see this screen, wait for the updating target image text to be replaced by a video. Once that happens click “Auto Target.” Your game will now start.